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When there is no progress...


You know when a house first starts to be built and everything seems to go so fast? They dig the basement in a day, concrete is laid the next and then walls are starting to go up within days. But then once the walls go up, the progress inside takes a lot of time. If you walk by a house that is in the process of being built, and all the walls are already up, you may wonder, what is taking so long for them to finish the house? We do not know see the progress from the outside, but inside, much is being done (electrical, plumbing, A/C and heat, all that technical stuff, etc). That is what the adoption process is like. Sometimes the progress seems to fly, especially when we are working on the paperwork and can see the progress for ourselves. But then, when the paperwork is someone else's job and it is taking months to finish, it gets very discouraging. Yet God is always working. There is progress, progress we do not see. Perhaps our children are not yet ready to be God is allowing delays for that reason...we do not know the reason for the delay, but we know God is working out

That is where we are. We are waiting for the pyschologist to finish writing his assessment that is to be included in our home study. It is taking a long time. We started this process with him back in August. We are getting discouraged. It seems like our dream of having children is never going to happen - it just seems farther and farther away as we continue to wait for this piece of paper. I know that the difficulties we will continue to face in this process mean we need to press on even harder. I know God has our children for us because I have felt Him saying that to me many times. Yet, we are a people who like to SEE what is happening. It is harder to have faith in the process when we are staring at a wall. How much longer? We are already having to redo some of our home study paperwork that we spent hours working on. It is very disheartening. The psychologist keeps telling us he will finish...two weeks ago it was supposed to be done...he keeps promising...yet we still wait.

Pray for us. We are so very sad...waiting is hard. We know God has a purpose for the wait and His timing is perfect. But we do not see the big picture. It is just hard. My birthday is this week. All I wanted for my birthday was a photo of our children. I know it is not happening yet. So, I hope maybe by the end of the summer, maybe by then we will have a photo of our kids. Until then....we keep waiting and praying and keeping that end result in mind - our children coming home! (Included below is a little progress photo gallery of our house going up)

Yet God has made everything beautiful for its own time. He has planted eternity in the human heart, but even so, people cannot see the whole scope of God’s work from beginning to end. - Ecclesiastes 3:11

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