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One Year ago today: A joyful memory

It is important to look back on all that God has done, especially in the midst of waiting during the adoption journey. Today marks a very special day.

I will not forget how broken we felt as we saw the Special Homes finding list time and again and were anxious to move forward in the process. As we looked at the list, it did not seem we would be able to adopt as most of the children on the list were older than our approved ages of 0-5.  We knew God had called us to a sibling group.

Then we saw a photo that would change our adoption journey forever (this photo was taken several years ago, but was the first photo we saw of them)

Everything just fell into place when we saw Lawrence and Mercy. All along, God had been writing out our story to bring all of us together as a family. It did not matter that Lawrence was 10 and Mercy was 7, over our ages we were approved for, we made the phone call to our social worker and coordinator. We believed God for miracles in our adoption story.

Three things happened right after asking about Lawrence and Mercy that we knew was God's way of showing us He was moving in our family.

-Our social worker approved us for up to age 11

-We learned that the moment that we applied with our agency, they had just approved that couples without children could adopt older children and sibling groups (amazing how God times things so perfectly)

-The money was provided just a day before we had to pay our invoice for sibling fees.

God has paved the way, showing us that adopting Lawrence and Mercy is what He has had planned.

Now, a year later, we await for the kids’ schedule and hope to start video calls with them soon. Our hearts are just bursting to be able to hear their voices for the first time and see them on live video! And we are praying that immigration and visas will go smoothly so they can come home by Christmas. GOD IS SO GOOD! In the midst of all the waiting and the hardships that we have faced and will face ahead, we claim that there will be joy, because we worship a God who is a joy-giver. Our story is just getting started.

“I will remember the works of the LORD; Surely I will remember Your wonders of old. I will also meditate on all Your work, And talk of Your deeds.” - Psalm 77:11-12

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