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The God who Moves Mountains

My phone started ringing yesterday evening and I just had this feeling, it was a call from our Philippines coordinator.

Earlier that day as I was walking the dogs, I prayed earnestly to God for movement in the adoption process, that we might be able to finally know for certain if this boy and girl that we have been falling in love with since June would be our children or not. I asked God to move...

When I saw Tiana's name on the phone id that evening, I got excited. Finally we were going to get an answer. Isn't it amazing that God would choose to give an answer the very day I was pouring out my heart to Him? I had told God, "I am getting weary on this journey, just please show us a sign that we are going to be able to adopt".

Then the call.

Four stockings and a photo of our two beautiful children now sits on the mantel, proof that God answers prayers!

"Sarah and Caleb, I have good news for you..." Right in the middle of this Christmas season, we got the best news we have received in this process yet, the news that the Philippines has chosen us to be the parents for Lawrence and Mercy! The joy that has filled our hearts can only be explained by the deep love we already feel for these 2 children that will soon be ours! Our daughter and our son!

Here is Caleb's explanation of the next steps in this process:

  • Last night we received "THE PHONE CALL" that we are the chosen family for this sibling group! (unofficial yes)

  • What does this mean; and what's next?

  • This means the rest of our documents that have not been sent will be sent to the Philippines to be translated and looked at. This process takes roughly 5-6 months. After this we will receive another phone call that will be the'official yes'

  • After the 'official yes' we will get all of our travel documents ready for the children and get updated medical reports on them (this process takes another 5-6months). After all that we will be given the green light to travel and we will receive a phone call about a couple days before travel to get our plane tickets and to secure travel arrangements.

  • Timeline is roughly 10-12 months our goal is to bring them home by next Thanksgiving!

Now it is me Sarah talking again.

We hope and pray that this process can go quicker than the timeline that is given, and the good news is that the process of adoption in the philippines may be getting quicker (as we can only HOPE...a little less waiting would be okay with me :) ) So we wait more now , but with LOVE in our hearts, knowing we can finally fully open up our hearts and fall in love even more with Lawrence and Mercy. Oh our dear children, we cannot wait to get to know you and we cannot believe that God chose us to be able to be your parents.

I look forward to seeing what the rest of this journey brings. God is moving mountains and we are floored. It is such a blessing to be able to have a front seat to watching Him work and move in building our family. We could not be more grateful and humbled that He would choose us to have the blessing of these two beautiful children - a responsbility that we do not take lightly. Thank you Jesus! Help us be who we need to for these sweet little ones that You love so much!

This ornament is so true...2023 is the year that we saw God answer our prayers for children in such a mighty way!

1 John 5:14 - "And this is the confidence that we have toward him, that if we ask anything according to His will He hears us."

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