In the past couple of weeks I have been asking the Lord to show us with some sign that He is with us in this adoption journey, and that we are going the direction that He wants us to go.
And He answered.
We have been approached by a couple of different people in the past 2 weeks who have said to us, “The Lord brought you to my mind, and the Holy Spirit prompted me to pray for you and your adoption.” How amazing is God?
Now we need all of our prayer warriors to pray for us.
On Friday we received notification that on Tuesday (which will be Monday night for us since the time zone in the Philippines is 12 hours ahead of us) the NACC (National Authority of Child Care) in the Philippines will be looking at our referral for these two children and the case. This is very exciting news, but also terrifying for us. We have no control over whether the Philippines will choose us to be the family for these two children, but we know that we already love them so much and dream about bringing them home. This is hard because we are having to open our hands to God and tell Him that no matter what, we want His will for these two children. After all, isn’t that what parenting is in the first place? God is the One who gives us our children, whether adopted or biological, so we have to surrender to Him and what He wants to do in their lives. So, we pray to God and ask Him to grow our family, believing that He will.
Please, be praying on Monday (September 25th) in the evening for us. If you wake up Tuesday morning super early in the morning, please, pray for us and these children. We want God’s will and we know whatever He has in store is His perfect plan.
We cannot help but hope that His plan is for us to be parents to these two beautiful children that we have fallen in love with.
Meanwhile, we trust Him for the perfect answer because He knows what is best.
Thank you for praying with us! We love and appreciate you all!
1 Corinthians 2:9 "“What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love him”
Psalm 146:9 “The Lord watches over the…fatherless…”
Psalm 113:9 “I sought the LORD, and he answered me and delivered me from all my fears”