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Heart to beat again


So, sometimes when you are going through your life and you are doing what God wants, you will have roadblocks or bumps in the road. We faced a bump in the road and we thought our journey with international adoption ended before we could even begin it. However, through a week of prayer and just wondering what to do next and feeling very sorrowful over the loss of working with this agency, God opened up the door again. We went from completely heartbroken to elated as God opened the door back up. We grieved what we thought would never be...but our God is bigger than man's workings, and He has a plan. There was beauty as we looked at that open door. Hard to believe the door is open again that we thought was closed forever. As the song "Tell your heart to beat again" says,

Yesterday's a closing door, you don't live there anymore...say goodbye to where you've been and tell your heart to beat again.

This song has been in my mind the past week as I looked at my heart broken into a million pieces. I wondered, how? How could my heart beat again when it was so broken?

Then we got the email . . .

We were excited and scared all at once. Fear creeps in and you wonder, what will happen through this process? Will this result in our children coming home or more rejection? As the fears surrounded our thoughts in the past day, one thing that we were certain of is that fear does not come from God. While this is a scary uncertain journey, that's where faith steps in...that's where the beauty of God and His mighty power steps in. He is the one who gave us this heart beat for our children whom we have yet to meet.

Mark Batterson says:

If your dream doesn't scare you, it's too small.

This has been a scary journey, but we serve a God who is powerful enough and strong enough to make this dream happen. We just have to take steps of faith and do what we can and trust Him with the rest.

So, we got the email today "Elsea Application Approval". And when we saw that email all we could do is thank God for this opportunity and this journey that is not over...the adoption journey is not over! In fact, it is just beginning. And so we tell our hearts: Beat again!

Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. - Isaiah 43:19

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